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13. júla 2014 Ostatné od Energia.skSITA

Sale of Enel Group holding in Slovakia begins

Week in Slovakia

Wednesday – 9th July 2014

Energy savings in the years 2011 to 2013 have required investments  in amount 6,7 billion euros. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)

Slovaks pay the highest price for electricity transmission, based on a report issued by the European Association of Electricity Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E). (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)

Thursday – 10th July 2014

The Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic approved the concentration of firms Istroenergo and PPC Investments. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)

Friday – 11th July 2014

The Board of Directors of Enel SpA („Enel”), meeting today under the chairmanship of Patrizia Grieco, examined developments in the sale programme being implemented to strengthen the Group’s financial structure, as provided for in the 2014-2018 Business Plan. As regards Slovakia, the holdings involved in the sale programme include the 66% stake in Slovenské Elektrárne a.s. (held by Enel through Enel Produzione SpA), which is that country’s leading power generator, with a market share of close to 80%. Slovenské Elektrárne owns power stations with a total installed capacity of 5,700 MW, with a balanced generation mix comprising nuclear, hydroelectric and conventional thermal facilities. In 2013 it posted revenues for 2,888 million euros and EBITDA of 708 million euros (consolidated figures). (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)

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