Obnovitelne zdroje dotacie podpora

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Obnovitelne zdroje dotacie podpora

Nicholas Hartnett, owner of Pure Power Solar, secures solar panel on the roof of a home in Frankfort, Ky., Monday, July 17, 2023. Since passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, it has boosted the U.S. transition to renewable energy, accelerated green domestic manufacturing, and made it more affordable for consumers to make climate-friendly purchases, such as installing solar panels on their roofs
Foto: AP Photo/Michael Conroy

Foto: AP Photo/Michael Conroy

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Nicholas Hartnett, owner of Pure Power Solar, secures solar panel on the roof of a home in Frankfort, Ky., Monday, July 17, 2023. Since passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, it has boosted the U.S. transition to renewable energy, accelerated green domestic manufacturing, and made it more affordable for consumers to make climate-friendly purchases, such as installing solar panels on their roofs

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