Nord Stream prepravovať ruský plyn cez Baltské more do Nemecka Germany Russia Pipeline FILE – The Lakhta Center, the 87 storey skyscraper, headquarters of Russian gas monopoly Gazprom, in St. Petersburg, Russia, on June 25, 2021. Russia’s natural gas pipeline to Europe is built and ready to flow. But not so fast. The Nord Stream 2 pipeline faces a rocky road ahead. First there’s statement by the U.S. secretary of state that gas won’t flow if Russia launches military aggression against Ukraine.

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Používate zastaralý prehliadač, stránka sa nemusí zobraziť správne, môže sa zobrazovať pomaly, alebo môžu nastať iné problémy pri prehliadaní stránky. Odporúčame Vám stiahnuť si nový prehliadač tu.

Nord Stream prepravovať ruský plyn cez Baltské more do Nemecka Germany Russia Pipeline FILE – The Lakhta Center, the 87 storey skyscraper, headquarters of Russian gas monopoly Gazprom, in St. Petersburg, Russia, on June 25, 2021. Russia’s natural gas pipeline to Europe is built and ready to flow. But not so fast. The Nord Stream 2 pipeline faces a rocky road ahead. First there’s statement by the U.S. secretary of state that gas won’t flow if Russia launches military aggression against Ukraine.

Foto: AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky, File

Foto: AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky, File

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