The Nuclear Regulatory Authority has to pass new rules for radioactive waste
Week in Slovakia
Monday – 24th October 2011
This year The Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency gave up to households over 2 million EUR in the program for renewable eneregy sources. Only 600.000 EUR is free for the sun collectors. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Tuesday – 25th October 2011
The Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic sent during this year to the Regulatory Office for Network Industries seven disapproving attitutes to the price regulation in heat energy and one in gas. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Price of electricity, natural gas in the near future would affect mainly the decrease in oil prices due to the end of the war in Libya and continuing economic crisis as well as the German government decision to shut down nuclear power plants, agreed the participants on the panel discussion about the prices of electricity and natural gas during a professional conference ENERGOFÓRUM 2011. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
The Nuclear Regulatory Authority has to pass new rules from the European Directive in the Slovak legislation up to the end of August 2013. The directive refers to responsibility and safe management of handling with burned out fuel and radioactive waste. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Wednesday – 26th October 2011
Energy security has naturally become one of the priorities of Slovak foreign policy because Russia is using a natural gas as a „legitimate tool of foreign policy.“ Regarding the Russian gas line North- and Southstream, they are like project Nabucco the potential threat to Slovak haulier „eustream“. These opinions has been said at the professional conference ENERGOFÓRUM 2011. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
The National Property Fund of the Slovak Republic in spite of the fall of the government continues in equalization with the Italian company Enel. They talk about the sale of the 66-percent share of Slovenské elektrárne. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Thursday – 27th October 2011
Energy audit is a deep analysis of energy consumption. It provides for the client a comprehensive view of its energy management and also proposes measures that can achieve efficiency and save energy. In the case of many plants the audit making was not only legislative obligation, but rather a necessity, said Pavol from Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA) during the professional event held in Zilina.(more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Energetický a průmyslový holding wants the inflence in SPP. Sale of shares will be realized within the plan of the German company E. ON AG and French company GDF Suez to sell a large ammount of their assets. It comes specifically about the transfer of shares in the Slovak Gas Holding, which owns 49% in SPP. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
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