ENERGOFUTURA 2011: Regulation vs. deregulation
Week in Slovakia
Monday – 7th November 2011
The Czech company Redux Carbon willbe an advicer for Ministry of Environment at selling 27 million AAUs emission credits which may be sold under the rules of the Kyoto Protocol. The company in cooperation with the consultancy firm Deloitte has succeeded in a public contract issued in July. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
The Slovak Government at its todayʼs meeting approved the bill of New Energy Act and the amendment of the Regulation Act. If the Parliament pass the, it will bring to the energy market more competition and should empower the position of consumer. The necessity of acceptance this bill follows from the provisions of EU directives, which form the 3rd liberalization package. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
Wednesday – 9th November 2011
Slovak nuclear power plants according to the current report have undergone the stress tests. The Nuclear Regulatory Authority of The Slovak Republic have not commented the results of stress tests yet from the final reports submitted by the company Slovenské elektrárne. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
Private investor plans to build a biogas for burning corn silage and swine manure in Kamenica nad Cirochou. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
On 9th November began the professional conference ENERGOFUTURA 2011. It is being organized for the third time. The experts should discuss the topical issues – biomass, legislative, regulatory, natural gas, photovoltaic, energy efficiency, research and development of energy technologies. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
According to Ladislav Žídek biomas does not increase the energy prices. Energy value of biomass and its potential is underlined also by the sustainable growth and reducing the use of fossil fuels. It has been said at a professional conference Energofutura 2011 in Bratislava. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
Innovation in photovoltaics come also from Slovakia. For example, solutions for the rotation of the panels can increase the efficiency in several tens of percent, has been said at the Conference „Photovoltaic – our solar future“, which takes place in professional conference Energofutura 2011. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
„The future of photovoltaics until 2020 has the sence only for home installation and roof installation within the transmission parks,“ said in a panel discussion during the conference „Photovoltaic – our solar future“ Peter Marčan. Photovoltaic conference takes place in professional conferences Energofutura 2011. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
Thursday – 10th November 2011
The termination of regulation in network industries requires a sufficiently liberalized market and the acceptence of primary legislation. In the near period it will certainly not come because of deregulation of energy supplies to households, said the Josef Holjenčík from the Regulatory Office Netrwork Industries at the professional conference Energofutura 2011 in Bratislava. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
The amendment of the Regulation Act will adjust the framework of the regulatory authorities into the standard form, as required the EU. Some conditions are substandard in the Slovak environment, has been said at a professional conference Energofutura 2011 in Bratislava during the debate about the energy legislation and regulation. It has been intensively discussed also the deregulation. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
Friday – 11th November 2011
At the conference Energofutura 2011, on Thursday held the founding meeting of the National Energy Cluster (NEC). The aim is to create a platform that will join together the subjects that involve in the power engineering and the government. This organisation will conveyed their common interests in the legislative process. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
Cogeneration units should be first introduced in the large central source of heat. The greatest perspective for development lies in them, has been said at a conference Energofutura 2011. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
Sunday – 12th November 2011
Duty to prepare an energy audit leave some industrial companies at the last minute. Many establishments could miss the deadline which is at the end of this year. The legislation also defines the financial sanctions, said Kvetoslava Šoltésová (SIEA) during the final panel discussion at a professional conference Energofutura 2011 in Bratislava, which ended on Friday 11th November 2011. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
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