California Gas Leak FILE – Crews from SoCalGas and outside experts work on a relief well to be connected to a leaking well at the Aliso Canyon facility above the Porter Ranch area of Los Angeles, on Dec. 9. 2015. Los Angeles County public health officials are seeking independent researchers to study the short and long term effects of the nation’s largest known natural gas leak on the health of people who lived in nearby communities. The county Department of Public Health announced the request for proposals in a statement

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Používate zastaralý prehliadač, stránka sa nemusí zobraziť správne, môže sa zobrazovať pomaly, alebo môžu nastať iné problémy pri prehliadaní stránky. Odporúčame Vám stiahnuť si nový prehliadač tu.

California Gas Leak FILE – Crews from SoCalGas and outside experts work on a relief well to be connected to a leaking well at the Aliso Canyon facility above the Porter Ranch area of Los Angeles, on Dec. 9. 2015. Los Angeles County public health officials are seeking independent researchers to study the short and long term effects of the nation’s largest known natural gas leak on the health of people who lived in nearby communities. The county Department of Public Health announced the request for proposals in a statement

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